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I am a Year 1 Computer Engineering Undergraduate at the National University of Singapore. Computers, Robots, and other Technology-related (more...)

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Persuading the NUS Office of Estate & Development

The presentation was aimed at convincing representatives of the National University of Singapore (NUS) Office of Estate & Development that a current problem concerning their Office and the NUS community exists. It was also aimed at persuading them to accept the team’s proposed solution. In such situation, the presentation must be formal as it discusses serious professional matter.
As in Oral Presentation (OP) 1, I believe that I was also able to effectively control good pacing in OP 2. The pronunciation of words and diction were excellently delivered. There was no stammering; and use of the word “ah…” was very minimal. The points where I wanted to put stress and emphasis were clearly conveyed using pauses. This is essential and crucial in persuasive presentations. The information should be relayed neither too fast nor too slow. Together with clarity, the pace should allow the information to be internalized by the audience. This way, sound judgments can be made by the Authority based on good understanding of the details presented to them.
The professional setting of the presentation limited our team to being conservative with the use of non-verbal actions. The visual aids, though exhibited in plain and simple slides, were effectively used while maintaining eye contact with the audience simultaneously. Thanks to Mr. James’ suggestion on animating the points and illustrations. I believe that the team was able to guide the audience through the content better than without animations.
In my opinion, I made an excellent job in effectively conveying to the audience the problem in a simple, non-technical, yet comprehensive manner; and convincing them to agree to the solution that the team was proposing. I was confident; I knew the content of the article well. I made optimal use of the 9-minute time interval allotted me. Altogether, it is a job very well done by me and my whole team – a good progress from OP1.


Khai said...

Hi Paul!

Let me first start by commending your group for putting up a polished, professional and convincing presentation. I am really impressed by how prepared your team is in conveying their respective parts, and that is not possible without countless practice.

Paul, I believe good presentation skills is something innate in you. Why do I say that ? You managed to convey everything so effortlessly that for a moment I genuinely thought you were from a corporate board. Such a high level of comfort in effectively presenting to a group speaks volume of the presenter's vast presentation experience.

Other than experience, an impressive presentation could only be achieved with a good oral delivery. You made effective use of stress to divert the audience attention towards a specific cause you wish to highlight. You made good use of gestures and engaged with the audience throughout your presentation. Furthermore, you have a jovial and personable attitude which the audience could easily relate to.

I am really impressed by your presentation and I believe that we could expect greater things from you in the future.

Best Regards,

Qinxian said...

Hello Paul!

I must say your group's presentation was professional and excellent! Each of your group members was thoroughly prepared and had their speech on the back of their hands. The amount of hard work put into this presentation was for all to see and that led to a great presentation!

I'd like to agree with Khai that you already have good presentation skills prior to this. Back when I first heard you present on the 7Cs (that was a long time ago), I thought "Wow this guy sure can speak", and once again, you honed your presentation skills.

There are a couple of good points you brought up in your post such as using pauses and pronouncing the words clearly. These will greatly improve my own oral presentation skills which I really need to work on.

All in all, congratulations on a good presentation and I hope to see more soon!


jeremy said...

Hello Paul,

Sorry i can't help but mention that your group was the most serious looking group amongst all our groups! The colour coded attire was too awesome haha!

Anyway, i felt that your team did excellent for the presentation. The content was straight to the point and succintly delievered with smooth transition, but i had to stifle a laugh when you introduced Abhinav as 'Mr BHAT!'.

Regarding your performance, you managed to deliver your speech in a controlled and properly enunciated manner, making it easy to understand and catch on with what you were trying to deliver. I particularly appreciated the fact that you did not digress and had a well developed train of thought translated into your speech.

Moreover when it came to the QnA segment, you team did well in supporting each other when it came to asnwering the question posed by almost everyone in class, well done!

In my opinion, a job well executed, congratulations Paul!


ganjianhwee said...

Hi Paul,

I would like to commend your team’s efforts in the use of visual aids. I thought during the presentation that the slide from the top right corner of the picture you put up had good animation. The graphics look simple and is easily comprehensible. I believe it could even be used to explain other more difficult concepts to the audience.

In addition, I agree with you that you communicated well with the audience and I easily understood your team’s proposal. Most importantly, I think it was the way in which you presented that was very commendable. Your eye contact, standing posture and proper language use were all present. Specifically, your hand gestures were always purposeful and all these points made you look professional on stage.

The pictures also reminded me that you could have brought them into the picture when you introduced your team. They also made me think that maybe all team members should stand together initially to be introduced by the first speaker.

All in all, I think your presentation skills are something I should seriously learn from. Hopefully, you would continue to improve and become an even better speaker.

Jian Hwee

winyee said...

Hey Paul,

Congratulations on delivering such a superb presentation from your team! I must say that you never fail to give an impressive presentation and it defintely reflects on the amount of hard work you and your team must have put in.

From the moment you introduced your team mates, I thought that your team managed to keep an engaging presentation all the way! Compared to OP1, you have adopted a more professional style, starting with your coordinated black and white formal wear to the way you addressed your peers. It certainly felt weird to be called “Ms Win Yee” by you! In Q&A section, I thought that the way your team tackled the questions really cohesively and relevantly. Also, I felt that you gave very polite and genuine replies for the issues which your team did not obtain a solution for. It definitely served as a learning point for me.

I must agree that your presentation was persuasive and convincing! The visual aids were also very appropriately used with the points you were conveying. It was truly a remarkable job done! I look forward to your next presentation and hope you perform even better for our team’s Oral defense!

Win Yee

Saurabh Arora said...

Hi Paul,

Congratulations for such an awesome presentation. Since the first day I heard you speaking in the class I realized that you were a very good speaker. After seeing your performance in OP1, I was looking forward to work with you. You are excellent team leader and you manage to make work effectively and together as a team. It was an excellent experience working with you.

Regarding your role as a speaker, I feel you come across as a very professional speaker. Your voice is pretty loud and clear. Voice modulation is perfect and you really know when to pause. Like OP1, you were thorough with your part and you did not need to refer to the cue cards or to the screen. Moreover you manage to maintain the perfect amount to eye contact with audiences. I really admire your presentation skills. You have a very pleasing smile which always appears at the right moment. This helps to lighten the mood and reveals your confidence.

The Q&A session brought about the team leader in you. You allowed all of us to answer equal number of questions and politely added in your opinion when our answers weren’t up to the mark. The best part was you giving us cues to answer the questions, which thankfully Abhinav and me picked up in one go.
Kudos to our team.

Best of luck for your group’s Oral Defence!


Santhosh said...

Hi Paul,

First of all, Congratulations to your team for performing an awesome presentation and I personally feel that right from Oral Presentation 1, I thought you did an excellent job as a team leader and had all the skills needed by a professional speaker.

The whole presentation depends on the first speaker and if the first speaker fails to attract the audience then that’s it, it becomes difficult for the other speakers to attract them and as a result the presentation may not be that effective. So in every presentation I think the first speaker plays a crucial role and to be honest, In your part I should confess that you attracted the whole bunch of audience throughout your presentation and it became easy for your other team member’s to deliver.

Your voice was load and clear, and the pace you used was excellent that your message was clearly understood by the audience and thereby resulting in effective communication. I should admit that you had excellent eye contact with the audience and you never even looked at the cue cards or at screen which just tells the audience how well prepared and confident the speaker is. It was nice to hear that your group had many rehearsals and I am sure it would have helped your group to a large extent.

The way your group tackled the Q & A session was awesome and it was nice to see the way you politely added on to response whenever necessary.

Overall, An excellent presentation from your group and all the best for the Oral defense!!


Zhen Yong said...

Hi Paul!

First of all, I was very impressed with your presentation in OP2, you showed consistency in all the good areas, and you’re also slowly improving on the other areas, though unnoticeable to some, but surely.

I’ve got to agree with most of the points you brought up in your post. As an audience, I felt comfortable sitting there listening, and I was able to understand clearly what was being presented, due to the appropriate pace being used.
Previously in OP1, I wasn’t sitting in as an audience, hence I wasn’t able to compare the clarity of the subject between the 2 presentations, but nevertheless, I felt that you did a pretty good job out of this one.
However I am able to notice the difference in styles approached by you in the 2 presentations.
This is not a bad thing; in fact it goes to show that you are able to perform in many different situations and still look good doing it.

Though the presentation may be bogus and the target audience has to sort of ‘act’ out the role, you team placed so much realism into the presentation that I almost believed that I’m the target audience you’re after.
It goes to show how much effort your team put into the project, and of course, it can be credited to your surveys and interviews as well.

Lastly, congrats to a job well done, its really good to see someone who knows exactly what he is doing... haha

Zhen Yong

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