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I am a Year 1 Computer Engineering Undergraduate at the National University of Singapore. Computers, Robots, and other Technology-related (more...)

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Persuading the NUS Office of Estate & Development

The presentation was aimed at convincing representatives of the National University of Singapore (NUS) Office of Estate & Development that a current problem concerning their Office and the NUS community exists. It was also aimed at persuading them to accept the team’s proposed solution. In such situation, the presentation must be formal as it discusses serious professional matter.
As in Oral Presentation (OP) 1, I believe that I was also able to effectively control good pacing in OP 2. The pronunciation of words and diction were excellently delivered. There was no stammering; and use of the word “ah…” was very minimal. The points where I wanted to put stress and emphasis were clearly conveyed using pauses. This is essential and crucial in persuasive presentations. The information should be relayed neither too fast nor too slow. Together with clarity, the pace should allow the information to be internalized by the audience. This way, sound judgments can be made by the Authority based on good understanding of the details presented to them.
The professional setting of the presentation limited our team to being conservative with the use of non-verbal actions. The visual aids, though exhibited in plain and simple slides, were effectively used while maintaining eye contact with the audience simultaneously. Thanks to Mr. James’ suggestion on animating the points and illustrations. I believe that the team was able to guide the audience through the content better than without animations.
In my opinion, I made an excellent job in effectively conveying to the audience the problem in a simple, non-technical, yet comprehensive manner; and convincing them to agree to the solution that the team was proposing. I was confident; I knew the content of the article well. I made optimal use of the 9-minute time interval allotted me. Altogether, it is a job very well done by me and my whole team – a good progress from OP1.

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